As a kindergarten teacher I am so thankful for all the parents who take the time to read with their children every night. Even before children read on their own, they develop many reading strategies while being read to. A few of them are predicting, questioning, using pictures and context to construct meaning. Because of such caring parents, children come to school familiar with books and print and ready to read. Please share how reading with your child has encouraged your child to be a reader.
I am very impressed with the progress my daughter is making with her reading this year. I also admire her diligence and persistence in wanting to "get it" whenever she gets stuck. She is constantly reading to our family and we absolutely love it. I do feel a little guilty for neglecting to log a lot of her early reading efforts; however, I am blessed to know that she will have the eternal reward of literacy. Thank you Mrs. G for doing such a wonderful job with the students. ~T. Shelton