Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let's all work together

When I read the news lately, there seems to be a lot of fear in the air. Budget cuts are looming. Public employees are afraid that their salaries will be cut. Overstressed tax payers are now bashing public employees, unions and especially teachers. You can feel the anxiety in the air. The heart starts pounding, adrenaline is flowing and the fight or flight impulse is upon us.

As a teacher and a parent I ask that we all take a deep breath. Remember what we are all about? The children who are our future. I cannot control the budget cuts coming and I know I have to do my part and do more with less. What I can do is remember why I went into education in the first place. I love children. I love teaching. I knew going in that I would not make a huge salary.

Now more than ever teachers, communities and families need to be partners in education. As a teacher in a public urban school district, I am thankful for the parents who support me every day. Parents volunteer in my classroom listening to children read. Parents at home support me by communicating with me directly when there is a concern. They also talk to their children about their day and read with their children at home.

During this time when everyone is worried about the future and finances, I just want to say thank you to all of the parents out there who support their children's schools and teachers. It is the team work that makes a child's education successful. Team work doesn't cost a dime.

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